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Line 119: Line 119:
<p class=strong>Show all the capitals for countries that start with the same letter as the continent</p>
<p class=strong>Show all the capitals for countries that start with the same letter as the continent</p>
<pre class=def>
<pre class=def>
<div class=ans>
       {"$where":"[0]) == 0"},  
       {"_id":0, "capital":1})
       {"_id":0, "capital":1})
<div class=ans>

Revision as of 16:34, 30 July 2015

import io
import sys
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-16')
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client['progzoo']
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

Working with the world collection of countries

This tutorial introduces NoSQL using MonogDB and PyMongo under Python3.4. We will be using the find() command and comparison functions on the collection world which contains details of around 250 countries of the world:

FIND examples are available.

Use find() to return the 21st document in world

Show the 21st document in world



List all the countries in the continent of Asia

pp.pprint(list({},{"capital":1, "_id":0})

pp.pprint(list({"continent":"Asia"}, {"_id":0, "name":1})))

How many countries are there in Europe that start with the letter "S"


Find the capital cities for countries with a population of over 70 million


Find the countries that have a population of over 100 million or less than a million

pp.pprint(list({"$or":[{"population":{"$lt":1000000}},{"population":{"$gt":100000000}}]}, {"name":1, "_id":0})))

Find the names of countries beginning with "U" that are outside of Europe and North America

pp.pprint(list({"$and":[{"name":{'$regex':"^U"}},{"continent":{"$nin":["Europe", "North America"]}}]},{"name":1,"_id":0})))

Find the names of all countries that contain a white space


Which country out of China, Russia, and the United States has the largest population

pp.pprint(list({"name":{"$in":["China", "Russia", "United States"]}}).sort("population",-1).limit(1)))

Use Sort to find the last document in world

Show the last document of world

pp.pprint(list("$natural", -1))[0])

Show capital and population for the top 5 capital cities starting with the letter "M" that have a population of less than 3 million

pp.pprint(list({"$and":[{"capital":{"$regex":"^M"}},{"population":{"$lt":3000000}}]}, {"_id":0, "capital":1, "population":1}).sort("population",-1).limit(5)))

Show all the capitals for countries that start with the same letter as the continent

     {"_id":0, "capital":1})
